Terms & Conditions


 The student agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the studio and acknowledges that these rules and regulations may change from time to time. Furthermore, all students release Mambo Productions Ltd., its owners, directors, managers and all employees & contractors of all liability regarding any injury to self or child and/or any loss or damage to personal property.  All students under the age of 18 years must have consent, in written form, from a parent or guardian. Students participating in classes must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Mambo Productions does not guarantee that you will fall in love with your dance class, even though we do our best to make you happy. Mambo Productions will suggest other classes that fit your needs if you are not satisfied with the results.

Online Registration and Purchase

To register or purchase from the Mambo Productions online registration system, you must be over 18 years of age.
Students must ensure that the details provided on registration or at any time are correct and complete.
All rates are in Canadian Dollars.
PAYPAL, VISA, MASTERCARD, and DEBIT/VISA are the only online methods of payment (via Paypal). You can pay in person by Visa, Mastercard, Debit, or Cash.
No guarantee is given of the accuracy of completeness of information on these pages. Mambo Productions may alter the information on its website from time to time.


Payment must be made in full on your first day of classes. We accept Cash, VISA, Mastercard, & Interac Direct Debit.

Withdrawal Policy

 A full refund is given only if a class is cancelled by Mambo Productions. No refunds or credits will be provided after the first week of the session, unless the withdrawal is due to medical circumstances. If the withdrawal is due to medical circumstances, a refund or credit will be awarded once a doctor’s note is received.
There are no refunds or credit for non-attendance and missed classes. If either the instructor or Mambo Productions cancels a class during the session for any reason, a make up class will be offered.
Class transfers within the same session are allowed, space permitting.
Any refund issued without a valid medical reason, once the course has started, is subject to a $20.00 administration fee. Refunds are calculated on a pro-rated basis (ex: Refund Amount = [price of course / total weeks] x weeks missed – admin fee).

Waiver of Responsibility

 I hereby certify that I am physically capable and fit to participate in the Mambo Productions Ltd., Mambo Productions Dance School dance classes and/or events, and have no medical conditions which could jeopardize my health while participating in the program. I will abide by the rules and regulations imposed on the participants in the classes. I acknowledge that there are risks and hazards inherent in the very nature of the dance program and that as a result of these risks and hazards, I/we as a participant(s) may suffer personal injury, or death, as well as property loss. I nevertheless freely and voluntarily assume the aforesaid risks and hazards and accordingly my participation in the dance classes and/or events shall be entirely at my own risk. I waive any claim that I may have against Mambo Productions Ltd., Mambo Productions Dance School, and it’s associated agents, contractors, instructors, employees arising from my participation in the dance classes and agree to indemnify and save harmless Mambo Productions Ltd., Mambo Productions Dance School, and it’s associated agents, contractors, instructors, employees for any claim including any claim for medical services arising from my participation in the dance classes and/or events.
I have read the rules and waiver form in their entirety; I understand them and agree to comply with their contents. If the participant is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian acknowledges that he/she have read and agree to fully, the conditions outlined and contained in this document.



Mambo Productions’ policies ensure that anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 (including but not limited to its other designations; SARS-Cov-2, Coronavirus, etc…) is prohibited from classes and the studio space, in order to make the environment safe for all. By agreeing to our Terms & Conditions the Student(s)/Registrant(s) are affirming that they have read and agree to, but not limited to, the following conditions:

  1. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) have not had symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days. Symptoms include fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and new muscle aches or headache.
  2. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) have not been directed by AHS or any other Public Health Organization to self isolate.
  3. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) have not arrived from outside of Canada or had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case and are not currently in a period of self isolation while they monitor symptoms.
  4. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) acknowledges, while attending a Mambo Productions class or workshop, should they start to feel unwell that they will immediately report their condition to the present staff, even if they only have mild symptoms.
  5. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) understand, acknowledge, and accept the risks and hazards outlined including risk of loss, injury, sickness (including Covid-19 or any future related illness), and death. I irrevocably release Mambo Productions and it’s associated agents, contractors, instructors, employees and waive all liability.
  6. The Student(s)/Registrant(s) understand that Mambo Productions and it’s associated agents, contractors, instructors, employees will check to verify each participants’ vaccination status as it applies to The Province of Alberta’s REP program.